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need closure

19 10:21:32

I am needing closure of the recent death of my one year and two month old sheltie purebred. he was always a little special and had mild breathing problems (like he would throw his nose in the air when he exhausted himself) and he would bark ramndomly sometimes. but he had regular vet vists and was up to date on all vacinations and was on heartworm preventative. he was a happy inside and well taken care of dog. he was part of the family...until two days ago. we were outside playing, he was playing with my other two doberman pups as they usually do in the afternoons. I was reading a book when I looked down at my little sheltie at my feet and he had his legs erected and his chesr was tightened and was slightly shaking, almost like a tremble. shortly after he stopped and I grabbed him in my arms and he took his last breath. naturally I did not give up, I took him to the vet while pumping on his chest and shaking him to come back. but he was already gone. the vet was going to charge for any information that they gave me as to why he could have died, but I just wanted to get him home to be burried. now its killing me as to why he died. please if you have any suspicion as to why my little baby died so young, please share with me. I have done some research and came to many conclusions. such as heart disease, seizure, epilepsy, playing too hard with the dobermans and had internal damage that didn't effect him and wasn't noticed (unlikely I believe), many things that it could have been, even a stroke. I would appreciate a more experienced persons advice. thank you-krystal      rest in peace, rebel.

Hi Krystal-

I am so sorry to hear about Rebel's death. It sounds like you were trying very hard to help him with his special needs.

From some of the symtoms you are giving, it sounds like he had a serious heart murmor which was exsasperated by activity and his heart gave out. This is a total random guess. Really, without a necropsy there is just... not a real way to know. But the breathing problems prior to the incident, the tremoring, the fact that it was after playing, the quickness of the attack, it sounds like his heart was working double time with a murmor already, and eventually it just got to be too much and he went into cardiac arrest. Holding his legs up is also a symptom of cardiac arrest, as sharp pains will be shooting through extremeties just like a human as the blood flow ceases.

I am so sorry to hear about Rebel, and I am sure that he is running across the rainbow bridge free, happy, and healthy. I hope this helps a little with your needed closure. Remember that he will always live on in your heart, and in any other dogs you choose to adopt.