Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my doxie is wetting on me and my bf

my doxie is wetting on me and my bf

19 11:16:19

We will be sitting on the couch or bed and he will jump up get really close like he wants to cuddle then he will just wett on us and himself. is he sick or waning attention or is he telling me he needs to go when he jumps up like that

Dear Christina,
Thanks for writing. I'm not sure if he was trying to tell you he needed to go outside or not. How long had it been since his last trip outside? How does he usually tell you?

Keep a log of his elimination routine so you'll know when he needs to go.

The behavior does send up a red flag for medical problems. Have him checked by your vet. Good luck, thanks for writing.

Alan J Turner