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mating a Jack Russell

19 10:44:30

when is it safe to mate a jack russell puppie ?

Hi Velma,

You didn't say if the puppy you're talking about is a male or female.

No female puppy should ever be mated! A puppy is a baby, and just as in humans, it's best to wait until the dog is both emotionally and physically grown before they have babies.
A female dog should not be bred before her second heat cycle. Waiting will ensure she is a better mother, and physically able to endure all the stresses of carrying a litter. It's best to have a female dog examined by your vet before breeding her, and then to read up on the special diet and care she'll need during her pregnancy.

A male dog can be bred after 6 months of age, if he and his family line are free of genetic health concerns. For the Jack Russell breed, conditions to rule out are: ataxia (progressive neuronal abiotrophy), corneal dystrophy, glaucoma, and lens luxation.

Keep in mind that according to the Humane Society of the United States and the government Census Bureau, 2,000 puppies and 450 humans are born every hour in our country. Right from the start, only 1 out of 4 puppies has a chance at a home.  Finding a permanent home is even harder - only 1 out of 10 dogs will stay with its original buyer for its whole life.

Not breeding your dog is a far more responsible option. If your puppy is a female, there are big health advantages to having her "fixed", or spayed, before the onset of her first heat cycle, which start anytime after 5 months of age.

Best of luck,