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Dog Chases

19 14:18:24

Hello Marwan Husseini,

My neighbor has a dog that barks, growls, and viciously chases whenever any vehicles or people go by it's house.  I live in a county with no leash laws.  We have tried many things to get along with the dog, but anything that startles him, which is most everything, gets him chasing.  He has begun chasing me on to my property when I drive by and barks at me when I get out of my car.  The neighbors are jerks and won't do anthing about it.  My wife and I love animals and have two cats, a dog and a pot-bellied pig, but I can't stand being threatened by the neighbor's dog.  The dog is now starting to run up on me when I walk on my property.  Are there any repellant's that may teach the dog to leave me alone.  Such as blowing a dog whistle or some other high pitched noise device?  I don't want to hurt the dog, but I do what to train him to be nice, because the neighbors aren't going to.  Any Suggestions?

Thank you very much?


A whistle sounds like a very good choice. However, you don't want to give your neighbors the chance to object to what your doing. You should call the police, I THINK they will do something even thouth there is no leash law. A natural spray repelent will not work, so don't waste your time spraying your property, cause it may interest the dog to come over more often.
To stop the dog from jumping at you you have to stand proudly, without looking/tlaking to him. This is not a solution, and the whistle isn't either. You should call the police.
Good luck...