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is it?

19 14:00:52

is it nesacery to get a dog neutered or spayed? would this effect a same gender or opposite gender dog if not neutured or spayed? jus curious  

Thank you for your question Danielle.
In my opinion it is nessesary to nueter all pet dogs. They are healthier in the long run, and less stress(sexual frustration). But it is not nessesary with all dogs. At least up till a certain point. Show dogs can not be nuetered, this is just part of showing. Finding the best specimans to breed better ones. After their career is over they are usually nuetered. As it is not nessesary to not have them nuetered.
If you have a pet dog, they should be nuetered, as there is always the chance that something could happen. And then there would be puppies to deal with. Most people who want a puppy won't keep the dog his/her whole life. So its not worth it most times.
So unless you have a good reason, spay or nueter. Its healthier and keeps the dog happier.
If they are not nuetered they will interact differently with the other gender(dog). Also with the same gender. But if they are nuetered before they mature, most dogs will act with both genders the same way. Each dog is an individual of course. Most dogs will calm down after being nuetered. This helps with a male(or even a female) that likes to fight. Not completely of course, but a little.

I hope I've helped.