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swelling, tail down wont sit

19 11:15:46

Yesterday my dog started sitting off to one side and seemed fidgety if we wanted her to sit.  Then I noticed her tail was down and she wasn't wagging it all day.  When I felt her sides up high, near the back it seemed she was swollen right where I think her kidneys would be.  Does this sound like a bladder/kidney infection?

A bladder infection is usually discovered when the dog starts urinating frequently, often accompanied by blood in the urine. Older dogs often have "fat pads" in the loin area over where their kidneys are located, but that would be on both sides. I couldn't tell from your message if your dog was "swollen" on one or both sides of her loin area.

Feel her gently all over, particularly along her spine and then down into her legs and see if you can find an area that feels warmer than the surrounding tissue. If you do, ice that area with a frozen solution of 1 part alcohol to 2 parts water (put this in a couple ZipLoc baggies before freezing) for 20 minutes on - 20 minutes off - 20 minutes on. Put a piece of cloth between the ice pack and the dog's skin when you do this, unless you have a very hairy dog.

It sounds to me like your dog is hurting somewhere, so I would keep her quiet with no jumping; if a small dog, carry her up and down the stairs. If she is still having problems after a day or two or she worsens, call your veterinarian and get her in for an examination as soon as you can.