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loud licking air

19 10:00:40

Hi, My lab/retriever for the last week has been doing this weird load licking of his front lips. He has never done this before, it started out a couple times a day now it is very often many times in an hour.  I am concerned as he is the child in our family.  He also has been swaying to one side when walking occasionally.  When he plays fetch he seems fine except for draging the back left foot a bit.  Any ideas what this may be?  We are going on vacation in 5 days and maybe I should take him to see his MD before we leave.  
Thanks for your time


Hi Krissy,

It's best for you to have your dog examined before going away on vacation. The air licking can be anything from a sign of an upset stomach (sometimes acid reflux will cause them to lick a lot), or a symptom of something caught in his mouth or between his teeth. Sometimes air licking is a mini seizure. It's also a sign of stress, simple boredom, or wanting attention (negative attention is still attention!) If your dog is not neutered, it's possible there is a female dog in heat somewhere in about a 1/2 mile radius of your home. Dogs have very sensitive receptors on their tongues that allow them a more precise "smell", and he may be very aware of a neighbor's dog estrus cycle.

If he's given a clean bill of health at the vet's, try increasing the amount of daily exercise your dog gets. That's a simple but very effective remedy for many behavioral problems rooted in boredom or stress. In addition to the exercise, try using a Kong or buster Cube stuffed with "high value" snacks such as peanut butter or cheese, to keep your dog's mind off licking the air. Make sure you praise your dog when he's not licking the air.

Best of luck, and have a good vacation!
