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dog marking territory

19 11:15:47

 i have a 7 year old yorkie that i just got from a lady that was closing down her buisness after 10 1/2 years.. so all her dogs that were 6yrs and up she gave away.. well that is where i found my lil one named buddy.. he is a yorkie. he is lifting his leg and marking every where. he was a stud for the lady being that she breed yorkies. but now is it time to get him fixed? will that stop the matking everywhere?thanks and happy holidays

Mandy.. NO getting him fixed after the age of two will not keep him from marking. You need to treat this like housebreaking to begin with and hire a behaviorist to come help you. Even then i can not guarantee it will stop. I am sorry i can not help you more from a distance. Good luck