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cyst near Chihuahuas hip bone on right side

19 11:15:48

cyst like spot on right side of body btwn spine and hip is that normal for the breed?

Hi Whitney,

While developing a cyst isn't normal, it may well be a benign cyst. If only for your peace of mind, you should have your dog examined by your vet to rule out the type of tumor that requires surgical removal.

Benign tumors are generally slow growing and may change little over the course of a year. They usually have a clear margin and cause the dog little trouble, but they can occasionally cause discomfort if they become ulcerated or start to bleed following self trauma.

Malignant tumors often grow rapidly over a few weeks. They tend to become ulcerated early in their course and they can infiltrate surrounding tissues, therefore seeming fixed and less moveable than benign tumors.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,