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bump on her nose

19 9:44:32

I have a 3 year old chihuahua/pom.  In the last week or so we have noticed a "bump" on the right side of her nose that seems to be getting larger.  It doesn't appear to be painful and is semi-hard, possibly liquid filled.  Do you have any idea what this might be and is is something that might heal itself or should I book a vet appointment?


HI Carrie,

Even young dogs can develop growths, or cysts. It's always a bit of a shock to find one on the body of your dog. Most growths are not cancerous.

The best course of action is to have your veterinarian examine your dog, a biopsy may or may not be necessary. A needle biopsy, a simple procedure that's done at your vet's office. Your dog may have an abscesses, sebaceous cyst, a lipoma, bacterial infection, a wart, or 100 things in between.

You should not put off having your dog examined, if this growth is something that needs to be removed, it's a lot easier to do while it's small.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
