Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > adult retired breeding dog still has large teats

adult retired breeding dog still has large teats

19 9:21:05

I was just wondering how long it takes, and if the teats ever shrink to almost normal in a retired breeding great dane?  I know this sounds superficial, but I would like to adopt a great dane, but those teats hanging down are unsightly!

Hi Janine,

After a female dog has had a litter, their teats never return to how they looked before she was bred, they'll always look a little larger and protrude more than a male dog's. Dogs are like people in the way that their nipples vary in size and shape. If you're set on getting a female dog, either find one that hasn't had a litter and have her spayed (besides ruling out accidental pregnancies, a spayed dog is healthier than an unspayed dog), or look for a dog with nipples that you don't find offensive.

The dog's nipples should not feel hard, hot, have discharge, or seem to be painful to the dog. That would be a sign of an infection which would require a vet exam.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
