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New puppy, Old dog

19 9:24:43


On the 30th of January I purchased a long haired female Chihuahua, she is 9 weeks old. I also have an older Dog named Jazz, she is 9 years old and is a Jack Russell / Foxy. She is generally a friendly dog, but she can be very protective over her food. Jazz has never been around other dogs, we did have two cats and she liked one of them, unfortunately they passed away last year. But Jazz met them as a puppy. Jazz is mostly an inside dog, she stay's outside when we are not home and sleeps inside or is inside whenever we are home. Also, Jazz is de-sexed. So far Jazz has not attacked the puppy, but i know she is not adjusted to it yet. I want to make it as easy as possible for them to get along with each other. My main concern is Jazz, she tries to ignore the puppy but when it tends to play or make noise she doesn't like it. Jazz is pretty much queen of the house, I know that will never change.
If you have any advice or suggestions on what i can do to make these two friends, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you,

Once past 3 years old, many dogs don't want anything to do with puppies, their sharp little teeth, and their biting games.  You need to teach the puppy to leave the older dog alone.  As soon as the puppy starts to focus on the older dog, give it a sharp ''Ah, ah, ah!'' and offer it a chew toy.  

An older dog and a new puppy every year is becoming the ''new normal'' for us.  Sampson plays well with the puppies, but when we aren't around, we crate both of them.  I hope you aren't leaving the puppy outside at night now.  If you did, it would seek the warmth of sleeping next to Jazz.  Jazz might not tolerate it.