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school project that is late

19 14:15:33

hi my name is sarah and i need to ak you some questions for school. i understand if you are unable to answer homework questions but please please try. i've been rejected three times already for this request. i thank you if you do answer me and will be mose grateful.
1) What courses did you have to take to become what you are?
2) Were they hard?
3) Is your business mayhem?
4) Is it hard to find regular customers?
5) Do you still have any free time?
6) Would you have made a different career choice if you could?
7) If so, what would it be?
8) Is it hard to take care of all those dogs?
9) Do you have to get up early?
10) is working in the boarding kennels a good choice for you?
those are all the questions that i needed for my school project thank you.
                               Sarah M. 13

Hi Sarah,

I am sorry that you were rejected.  I will try to help you.  

1) What courses did you have to take to become what you are?

None.  I studied with a friend of mine who was an amazing trainer and behavorist, I joined dog lists and I read books.  But, I would suggest taking dog training workshops and holistic nutritional lectures and workshops and searching on the internet and joining lists and reading.

3) Is your business mayhem?

My life is sometimes mayhem..and the dogs are part of my life :)

4) Is it hard to find regular customers?


5) Do you still have any free time?

Very beings are a serious responsibility and you want them to be healthy and happy.

6) Would you have made a different career choice if you could?

I don't think of this as a career but an extension of my love of dogs.  I do other, crafts, ebay etc.

8) Is it hard to take care of all those dogs?

It depends on the dogs..their temperments...their ages etc.

9) Do you have to get up early?

It depends what you consider early.  I wake up about 8am.  Is that early?

10) is working in the boarding kennels a good choice for you?

Yes.  Are you thinking about doing this?  Remember, my setup is cageless and in my is not a kennel which is what makes it so unique.

Shelley Davis