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Boarding dogs

19 14:15:33

My question is if dogs are ever really effected after leaving them in a kennel for 10 days.My daughter plays travel softball and are going to Vancouver,Canada at first i was not going.They played in another tournament for 3 days over Memorial day weekend and to say the least i changed my mind after being alone and lonely.I then told my husband i will go to this canada tournament.I said no at   first  due to the fact i was feeling guilty leaving them alone.
Now i am going to Canada tickets doubled because i decided to go a month later.Tickets went fom $400-700
But i have the guilt leaving 3 dogs at kennels.I feel i should be with my 2 daughters and husband on this vacation.
The one dog i worry about is a Lhasa who is spoiled rotten and only 7 months old.The main thing i worry about is her coming back completly changed from me leaving her for 10 days.I just got back from Vegas and she was left for 3 ,was first time she was left.Do i need to worry about leaving a small dog for 10 days
Also she is being left at her vets who does boarding with a gated yard and let out 4 times

Hi Sue
Yes, I simply HATE BOARDING KENNELS i am not one yet I keep my past pups rather than my customers leaving them in kennels, so now I am baby sitting a year old and a 5 mo old male fixed.  What gentlemen they are?
Boarding is a big business and they make tons of money, trust me I know.  I used to board horses and lost as I did not charge enough they charge more to board a dog than a horse?
They do not get the care and exercise u think it is getting for one large place is near me and I am amazed at the dogs they board for they are in yellow pages of phone book as decent dog people and the dogs get out half hour in a kennel the size of my magnum 10 by 10 by 6 high for little bit, they are scared to death, unhappy and fed less than u think also.  
Your poor little ones are left not knowing why or where u are and do not eat, sulk and some do not drink much so they get ill.  It is the worse thing one can do is leave a dog in a boarding kennel I do not care how beautiful it might present itself, they are all after the almighty buck.

Do not count on her getting out 4 times a day and if so it is in a small confined area.  I know these deals they are all around me that is why I tell my customers when I sell a puppy to big shots do not leave in a kennel bring it back to me with its food only I do not even charge and they run with my dogs for hours a day.
Never trust these businesses, they are out for an easy dollar, trust me I know decent people in my area that present themselves as love of dogs and I know how they work.
After all Sue your little one does not know why she is left there in the first place and for what reason, so she quits eating and drinking but they will tell u she did fine only to die later of ?/
Always find a family member or teen that needs a few bucks u can trust to take the dogs for a walk daily and feel according to your instructions left.

Kind Regards and Sorry