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19 13:33:07

Hello Sarah,
           I wanted know about chihuahuas, Can chihuahuas be able to be alone for a long period? (like a 2 or 3 hours)What kind of food bran is best to feed a young chihuahua? By 6 months of age will the chihuahua have all his shots? Is he old enough to be neutered? When I am at school can I put my chi in a dog pen? If you know any good sites about info on chihuahuas please post the here, thank you!

Hi Shannon
Yes a Chihuahua can be left for 2-3 hours at a time with no problems once they are house-trained.
The best food to feed any puppy is complete high-quality kibble.  A few I would recommend include Burns natural, James wellbeloved, eagle pack gold, natures choice, Pet club premium.
By six months the shots should be completed for parvo and all the other basics.  
Six months is an ideal time to get most dogs neutered however Chihuahuas are very small and the anaesthetic rick can be greater when they are puppies so many people recommend waiting until they are 10-12 months old and have reached adult size.
A dog pen is perfect for leaving the puppy in while you are at school.  A small comfortable space will help to ease the anxiety levels some dogs experience when left alone.  To minimize this it is also important that the dog sleeps in a different room to you so he does not come to be totally reliant on your presence to feel safe.
Hope this helps