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big dog little dog

19 9:40:54


I've got a Belgian shepherd (90 lbs), and I am about to move in with my girlfriend. She has a Pomeranian which is only 14 lbs. They are both girls.

We have had them at her house both together and they seem ok when there is no food around. However, my dog the shepherd is very territorial and doesn't like anything around her food. We are about to move in together in May and I was just wondering what the best method will be to get them to become friends.

Now, I have been feeding my shepherd outside, and have been taking the food away after she was done, however, she snapped at the little dog when she came outside #even when the food isn't there??) Is the shepherd going to really hurt the little one?? What should we be doing to get them to become friends?? Where should I feed the shepherd???

Any help would be great.

"Is the shepherd going to really hurt the little one??"

There is no way I can know the answer to that, but I will say that competition for food can be a huge motivator in dog fights.

I am sending some suggestions on how to introduce the dogs to living together, but I would be extremely cautious any time food enters the picture (even when the humans are eating, as the dogs often look for crumbs).

You may want to feed them in their own dog crates so that when they are finished, one cannot meander over to the other's food bowl.