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How many times do i have to feed my 12 week old pup

19 11:06:24

Hello,my name is Josefina Sanchez and I'm 12 years old.i have two questions.First one is how many times do i have to feed my 12 week old Husky?him worried that he might weigh too much.!The second question is how do I wash him. My sister says if I do it wrong, he might get a cold or something...HELP!!!!!

Hi Josefina
I'm really proud of you for asking these questions,. You're on the road to being a great dog owner.
First of all the food, feed your baby three times per day as much as he will eat in about thirty minutes. No food after 5pm will help with housetraining. Feed a good quality food to make it worth the money,. no by products, corn, soy, wheat, bha or bht. It's not worth spending money on ingredients they can't digest or use,. They just poop that right out. HE will eat more and benefit less with a poor quality dog food.
As for bathing. Unless he gets just nasty, once a month grooming, bathing and nails is usually great Get some light mineral oil and put a couple of drops in each eye and each ear. Have the water the right temp before you put him in the tub for his shower. Using a handheld shower will help ALOT. Using a human shampoo like suave moisturizing shampoo is just fine. Wet him really well, not an easy thing with a husky. Then add the shampoo , soap him really well all over , and rinse completely until you are SURE he has no shampoo remaining in his coat. Squeeze as much of the water out of his hair as you can while he's still in the tub. Make your movements gentle, and speak quietly and lovingly to him as you bathe him. Give him a nice massage with your finger tips while getting him clean. He will learn to love his bath and soon will jump in as soon as you say bath. Be careful in rinsing his face and muzzle as dogs are like babies and water in their faces frightens them. Be sure you wash his feet well, and between his toes. This is the only place dogs sweat.
When you have gotten as much water out of his coat as you can. Start using a towel keeping him in the tub. Rub him down really well all over. Let him shake in between this will help to remove the water from his coat. Pull him out of the tub and towel him again with a clean dry towel. You can blow dry him if you like,but approach gently and talk softly. The blowdryer can be a scary thing to pups as well. Don't get it too close to his skin, as dogs easily burn from drying. If it's warm in your house you can towel him WELL and then put him in his crate for awhile to finish drying. Keep him in for at least an hour before letting him outside to potty to give his pores time to close. As he gets older he will become tougher and less likely to get sick. Huskies are strong, healthy dogs and live long lives. Follow his bath with a complete brushing, from head to toe to get rid of shed hairs and dead skin. Use a brush that won't scratch his skin and make it fun for him.
Good luck