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Shearing a Collie

19 9:41:26

I just read a Q&A about a person that had a older Collie and didn't want to take it to a groomer cause of the stress. So, they purchased grooming shears. The advice called out for certain size blades. A #7F and a #10.
I also bought some shears for the same reason that came with a #10 blade. And, I also purchased a set of combs that attach to the shears.
My question is. Do I need the combs? Do the combs regulate how long the hair is when sheared? Or, do the blade size makes the difference in the final length?
Thanks, Scott

ANSWER: Hi Scott,

Yes, the combs will determine the length of the hair being cut.  On Collie's the hair is thick so brush out as much dead coat as you can so the clipper blade does not get caught up in the hair. The 7F blade is a finishing blade so maybe you should also get a 7, this blade will cut better to take coat off and then use the 7F it finish.

Good luck Scott - happy trimmings!
Susan Potts, CPG

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your answer.
! more question: Can you recommend a comb to get thru the thick coat of a Collie. This Collie hasn't been brushed fro a long time and id old so, I'm trying to reduce the stress as far as possible. But, it has to be done.

Get yourself a metal wide tooth comb, something that is easy to hold and wide enough to get through some hair.  Sometimes you just need to scissor off areas that the clipper or comb won't go through.  
You may find that after getting the coat off that there may be some skin issues, so I
suggest putting him on NuVet Plus (order code 42299) for his skin, health and this also helps with stress too.  Can may go to my website to see the info.

Hope this helps you.
Susan Potts, CPG