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Torn Legiments

19 10:05:46

Good Afternoon, I have an 11 year old boxer with torn
legiments in her right hind leg and was wondering I could
help her heal. Vitamin's or Dog Food, any thing?

Thank You Stephenie


Hi Stephenie,

You didn't say which ligament your dog has torn. Stabilization surgery often called for when treating a torn ligament in a dog the size of a Boxer. It speeds the rate of recovery, reduces joint degeneration, and enhances function. I will assume you have taken your dog to a veterinarian, and that she is on pain control medication.

If your vet has said surgery is required but you are opting not to provide your dog with surgery, you should know that the abnormal motion your dog will be left with causes wear and tear on the joint cartilage, causing pain and will lead to arthritis. The lameness will worsen with time.

Your dog will need plenty of time to heal, perhaps as long as six months. Besides the care of your regular veterinarian, you also may want to consult with a Veterinary Acupuncturist, or Chiropractor. Locate one here:

Your dog's exercise must be restricted in order to prevent further damage to her leg. Give your dog only brief leash walks. You may need to help her by making a sling out of a towel, and supporting her belly with the sling as you walk. Do not allow your dog to run, jump or play for a minimum of 8 weeks. If she is crated trained, keep her in her crate as often as possible to restrict her movement.

Weight control is an important component for decreasing stress on your dog's joints. You should be feeding her the best quality food you can afford, and limiting inbetween meal snacks.

It wouldn't hurt to give your dog a Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate supplement. This will do nothing to lessen her pain, but it might help in rebuilding the connective tissue. Because this supplement doesn't control pain, you need to continue with the anti-inflammatory pain medication your vet has prescribed.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin has to be given daily for at least a month before it can do any good, and even then some dogs respond more than other dogs. If this supplement is stopped, the joint degeneration will begin again. A few popular brands to consider at: DermCaps, Drs. Foster & Smith Maximum Joint Support, Coseflex DS, or Cosequin.

Best of luck,
