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19 11:30:02

Does the dog bleed after mating?

Hello Vikki, at first you notice a slight swelling of the vulva for approx. 3 days then bleeding for approx. 7 days,  she will stop bleeding and is able to get pregnant at this time for appox. 7 days and then it's another 7 days going out when the vulva will begin to go back to normal size.  So it's a 21 day cycle.  7 going in...7 in ... this is when you breed and usually there is not bleeding at this point.  Also most females will not entice or stand for a male if she is not ready.  This is the usual right of hand, but your dog may be different.  after the 7 in they then have 7 days going out.  And in 6 months it will come again. I hope this helps. Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)