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grooming schnoodles

19 10:42:43

I have two Schnoodles both are 2 years old.  I bought a Deluxe Oster Grooming Kit/Medium Duty #78970-100-700 and have attempted several times to shave the dogs but their hair is fine and soft and gets easily pushed away as I come through with the clipper.  I have gone very slow, changed blades and shaved in opposite direction of fur on midriff (which I shouldn't do) and I can hardly cut any fur.   I've carefully followed instructional video and book but do not get results on my dogs.  Do I need a special clipper or blades? Any advice is welcome.

Go to and get  Andis AG  2 speed clipper.  It is $109.00
if you cannot afford that get the single speed, same model. It is $91.00;  this should do the trick.
You need a little heavier duty clipper with fine hair.  You may have to get a 7F blade as well  and go backwards with it on the coat.