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swelling nipples on toy dogs

19 11:44:56

I have a  mini pin that is 10 weeks old that became in heat two weeks ago and now her nipples are swollen? could she be pregnant? Is it part of menstration cycle? Im worried

Hello No dog in the world comes in heat at 10 weeks old that just isnt right maybe it was a blader infection when you saw blood stains.....but infections in the bladder normal yeild blood in the pee weathers heat cycles have bloody discharges on the butt that blot on the floor and couch when she sits down. I'd see a vet right away I have never in my life heard of a dog so small and young coming in heat at ten weeks old. chances of her being pregnant is slim to none i hardly belvie she was in heat at all and the nipples do sweel after a heat cycle and go down if the dog isnt pregnant about a week later.