Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > puppy swallowed a whole bone

puppy swallowed a whole bone

19 11:36:43

my 10 wk old pomeranian x shih tzu had a piece of cooked lamb rib bone about as long as my pinky finger and about 5 mm wide. when I saw it and tried to take it from her she swallowed it too fast for me to get hold of it and it was whole. Will her stomach acid disolve this in her tummy or is this a dangerous situation? she does not seem to be in any pain right now.
I hope to hear from you soon

You need to go the vet immediately!  This could turn into a huge problem including blockage of the intestines or a puncture.  Please go to your Vet ASAP!!!

As you may know, any kind of cooked bone should never be given to a dog because they are brittle and have sharp edges when they break.
