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Peeing in the house at 4 years old

19 11:00:51

Im so hoping you can help me. I own a beautiful white and beige cockapoo named Simba. I love him, my kids love him but unfortunately he has been peeing in my house for over 6 months now.  i am at my wits end.  He pees downstairs on one of the poles and on the carpet...I have tried everything from steam cleaning that area to replents and nothing has stopped him. I caught him ONCE trying to pee on my sons train table but I stopped him and put him outside.  All the other times i have not caught him, but I am HOME when he does it, just not looking.  I recently did my livingroom over and pulled up the carpet (becaue I couldn't look at it anymore from all the pee stains from him) and put wood floors down and an area rug.  he just starting peeing on the area rug TODAY!!!  I dont want to get rid of him. It will break my heart. But i have tried EVERYTHING i can think of from limiting his space. I gait him up in the kitchen while I am at school, but Like i said he does it when I am home.  he also poops in myhouse but not as often.  Agian WHEN I AM HOME!!  Do you have any suggestions? This is my last resort. If he doesnt stop soon I cannot afford to keep buying new carpets (not to mention what my downstairs den smells like) and I will HAVE no choice but to give him away.

Please help me if you can!!  Again he is a Cockapoo, Male and 4 years old (he will be 5 in August).  He is a wonderful dog and certainly not a stupid dog.  He is friendly and kind and loves KIDS!! I NEVER have to worry about him when there are other kids here.  This is my ONLY problem with him.

If this is new behavior (you mentioned six months as an ongoing time frame) and he is four years old., the first thing you need to do is to have him vetted. He could have a UTI, or another health issue that is causing him problems. It could be from diabetes to thryoid. After you have him vetted, if there is no physical reason found, give me a shout back and we'll work on behavior. However I am truly leaning toward physical problems
Good luck