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dogs weird tail

19 10:39:44

thank you for the help on the answering my mystery dogs breed. we have had alot of people tell us thats what he looked like. One of the many querks he has is that he always holds his very long tail at almost a 90 degree angle. never stright up or down. also when he wags it, it goes in complete circles, almost like a helecopter.  When he is happy to see us he will curl his body into almost a complete"C" is something wrong with him ? show we have him checked by his vet again?



Hi Tiffani,

It's not too unusual that your dog wags in tail in a circular pattern, like a propeller. I had a German Shepherd  who used to do the same thing. I think it's just individual preference, how a dog wags, or holds his tail.

Your dog curls his body when greeting you as an act of submission. He's making himself look smaller. There's nothing wrong with this. If you down play your home comings by not enthusiastically  greeting your dog, it can help to calm him, if that's what you want. To help calm a dog when it's "greeting you" don't make eye contact with him, give him a short pat on the head, and go about your business. Only when the dog is calm, do you kneel down to say "hi" to him.

If your dog's greetings are not over the top emotional events, you don't need to change anything.

Best of luck,
