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2 puppies do not get along

19 10:07:42

i have recently gotten 2 min pin puppies, both from different breeders so they are not brother and sister. i have tried everything I've read on introducing new dogs to each other, except going to park. they have not yet finished their series of shots, so afraid to take them any where. how do i get them to except each other? i have to play or hold them separate or they fight and i am afraid they will hurt each other. one is 2 months and the other 3 months. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..thank you, misti

Since they are both very young,right now it's more of a case of sorting out who is top dog,and since they are both puppies,they should be able to sort that out without hurting each other

But if you are still afraid what you can do is muzzle the both of them,and then let them sort it out,without hurting each other

Sorry about the wait time-internet was down