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destructive german sheperd

19 9:39:19

my 18 month old german sheperd has totally destroyed lounge this morning she just chews everything in sight what can i do


Hi Sandy,

Don't give your dog the run of your home when you aren't home, or anytime you can't supervise her.
Your dog should either be contained in the correct size dog crate (if she's crate trained) or to part of a room with the help of a child gate, or two. If you opt for the child gate method of containment don't choose a room that contains things she can destroy, you'd only be setting your dog up to destroy something.

Many behavioral problems (including destructiveness) stem from inadequate amounts of exercise. A really simple solution to your problem would be to give your dog more exercise each day. Letting a dog outside by itself in a fenced yard does not provide the amount of exercise a dog requires. Most dogs are soon really bored when left outside by themselves, especially if they are left in the area day in and day out. Being a young dog, a good run or long walk twice a day might fit the bill, though some dogs need a longer and more focused workout each day. Be sure to exercise your dog just prior to when you'd be containing her. You should leave behind a panting, heaving, utterly exhausted dog as you set off for the day.

Besides more exercise, give your dog some activity to keep her mind busy while she's in her containment area. A Kong or BusterCube style toy where bits of food is hidden inside the toy, and the dog has to work to get the food out are really good toys that offer mental stimulation during the times your dog must be contained.

Enroll in a dog obedience class. Obedience training provides both the important mental stimulation your dog requires AND gives her a "job". Many breeds of dogs, including the German Shepherd have been bred to do a job, and have a great desire to to do "something". When deprived of something to do they can develop antisocial or destructive habits.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
