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Vaccinations for dogs

19 14:12:11

I'm adopting an 8 pound neutered chihuahua / terrier mix about 1-2 years old, in very good general health. It has apparently received it's initial shots but since I don't have the medical records to be on the safe side I will need to reinnoculate.  Is the rabies booster shot given about once a year? There is a vacination called 5 in 1 which covers the remainder of the important diseases that need to be innoculated against. Is that one also given once a year? The other shots deal with Kennel cough and Lyme disease. How important are these and how often should they be administered? Are there any other vaccinations that I should consider or that are considerd very important?

Most shots are annual except the rabies which lasts 3 years. Kennel cough need only be given if your dog is around other dogs often (strange dogs, not family pets)or if they are boarded at a kennel. Lyme disease is a good idea if you live in a place where it is prominent. Deer ticks carry this disease.  Other then that the 5 in 1 and rabies should cover all you need.