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dog and child

19 10:45:51

Hi, I have a daughter that is 4 and a 18month rottweiler.  The dog is well mannered and we have never had any problems.Lately she(the dog)corrals her(daughter)the dog will go in circles around her not letting her get to were she wants to get.  The only time she does this though is when I am standing close by.  Do you think she is jealous,showing that she is next in the order of things, I have no clue but my daughter gets so mad,any thoughts?

I don't like the sound of this, please contact your breeder and go to a trainer used to dealing with rotties.  Even a guard dog trainer would be able to look at her and know what is going on.   There could be a jealousy issue here and if that is so, it could be dangerous.
if not, it will be fine, but someone has to actually view this behavior.