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Dog Anxiety

19 10:04:49

Hello Karen, About a month and a half ago, we adopted a 3 month old male
Pekingese and have been problems with his socializing.  In all other areas he
has been easy to train and is a normal happy playful puppy at home, but he is
SCARED TO DEATH around any other humans besides my boyfriend and I. If
anyone tries to touch him he pees or poops and barks! He will walk on a
leash (sorta) and we are constantly  taking him around other dogs and  people
to get him used to it but its not getting an better. Any ideas? Thanks so

If this puppy was not socialized by the breeder before twelve weeks of age, you may not be able to do much with him and may have to just accept him as he is. Have your tried just putting him into someone else's arms? What does he do?

You will need to take small baby steps with him. I would continue to take him out, but not let anyone come at him to touch him initially.

After taking him out a few times with no interaction, I would try to get him to eat really good treats from others (like cheese or chicken) without them actually touching him. (Be sure you have already given him this stuff at home a few times so he knows what it is.) If they have to toss it toward him gently... so be it. It is always best to do these sessions when he is hungry.

Once he is eating food tossed to him by strangers, then the next step would be to try to get him to take it from their hands with them down at his level. Touching should be the next step and should be built up to gradually.

Be sure that you are touching him everywhere... putting fingers in his ears and between his foot pads, and holding him upside down like a baby. Do a lot of manipulation with him to get him used to being handled in all ways.

Get a copy of the paperback book, "How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With" by Rutherford and Neil.