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Schnoodle walking - training

19 10:45:33

What is the best approach to take for training our schnoodle pup to walk with us.  She is stubborn and will sit or lay down when I leash her and start to walk.

Let her drag the leash around the house & yard (supervised) for a while, until she is not worried or concerned about it. Practice holding onto the leash while she is playing and running around.

Or, whenever you start out for a walk and she sits or lays down, start tug-tug-tug-tugging on the leash (don't drag her) until she starts forward. Then praise praise praise and encourage her to keep coming towards you!! Have a pocketful of treats you can give her when she gets to you. If she sits or lays down again, tug-tug-tug again to kick start her brain into moving forward again. It shouldn't take many repetitions of this before she gets the idea.