Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Why do you think pets are good for you?

Why do you think pets are good for you?

19 14:27:53

I have an list of question.

Please answer each question separately.

I am interest in a pet preferable a dog.

1. If I was depress how helpful can a dog or
  any pet be good for me?

2. Can a dog build your self esteem?

3. How can a dog or any pet provide security?

4. How can a dog or any pet provide friendship?

5. Can walking a pet increase the fitness
  of both the pet owner and the pet?

        (A) Can I lose weight?        
        (B) Will my body burn calories?
        (C) Can I build muscle in my body?

6. How rewarding will be if I own a pet? (dog)

7. How good are dogs for kids?

8. How can a dog provide imcome and employment?

9. Are dogs loyal? Which ones?

10.Why do you think pets are good for you? (dog)

Thank you.

1. If you're depsessed, dog will really help you to change your mood. He can be a "smile" at home, cause he always makes something, what looks funny and makes you smile or laugh.
2. Yes
3. There are decorative and "war dogs". "War dogs" provide security in your house only if you teach them at specific organisation. Decorative dogs don't provide security
4. All dogs provide friendship. If you live alone, and buy a dog, you will live not alone, cause dog makes you happier, he always with you etc.
5. Yes, if you do with your dog a lot of activities. Like running with him every morning (it will be good for you and for your dog). If you will do intensive activities with him, you can lose weigh and also burn callories, and build some muscles in your legs (you should practise a long time with your dog to build some muscles, better go to a gym)
6. You can go to a dog shows, to win some prizes and later have puppies, who will bring you money for selling them. also, if your dog is very good at something, you can try to add him to a movie world and get some money.
7. If you own decorative dog, for your kids it would be the best, cause they would be able to play with him etc. if you own a "war dog", kids would be able to play with him too, the dog could make some job for you and kids, like moving sledges etc.
10. dogs are good for everyone, except if you think that a dog is only for a work. The dog is your family member, and he loves his family, if the family loves him.