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post natal feeding

19 14:30:19

My greyhound has recently had 8 pups. We have only had her four weeks and she didn't get very big so we didn't know that she was pregnant. She is getting on well with the pups and feeding fine. Her only problem is very bad Diarrhoea. The vet has advised us to feed her alot more than normal to prpare her for the two week growth spurt of her pups and to feed her on puppy food. However although i know she needs the protiene puppy food can provide I was just wondering if there is anything i can feed her that won't upset her stomach so much.

If the mom ate all of the placentas of the pups, then she will have runny stool for a few days.  That is normal.  There isn't much you can do about it.  Just keep her on puppy food and here are a few extras I would add to her diet.  None of which should cause a loose stool.  1 cup of yogart a day.  It will kill bacteria in her body that can potentialy get to the pups.  Nutracal it will provide her with the extra neutriants she needs that she might not be getting enough of.  Just one spoon per day will do and you just let her lick it out of the spoon.  Cooked eggs are another good thing to give her that provides protein.  You can also cook white rice and fry hamburger meat.  Drain the hamburger meat and rinse it with water to get rid of the grease and mix it with the rice.  I do this once per day.