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Stunned Goldie

19 14:31:41

Hope fully you can help with my puzziling problem.

I have been taking Tammy (my 22 month Golden Retriever) to agility training for a 2 months. She started off very well but lately she has become very distracted in the middle of an exercise or even when wondering around. She just becomes stunned, stands still and slowly looks around. She won't respond to commands or luring, including food, her favourite toys or even tugging on the lead. Eventually she snaps out of it and responds quickly to my commands, but all of a sudden she is gone again.

This does not happen at any other time other than at agility training, which is at night, under spotlights, but we often go to the same area on other nights and there are no problems.  There are also plenty of other dogs around (barking) and of course, lots of obstacles.

I can't understand what mesmerises her. I think she might be afraid of something. Can you help?


I am so sorry for making you wait but I was just informed today that you never received my original answer. I advise that you talk to the trainer of your class (if this is the situation) or another knowledgeable person. Ask them to watch you run the course than ask if they can see what is happening. She might just be bored from the same routine or doing agility all the time(everyday with a long session). So maybe miss practice for a week then go back to it and see if this helps. And spice it up by doing the course different or just cut it short. Also try only practicing for five minutes 10 times a day. If you don't have time to space it out like that then try stopping in the middle of the course and surprise her by asking her to do something you wouldn't when doing agility. Keep her on her toes never expecting anything. Please let me know if I have helped you at all. And again thank you for waiting.
