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stones in feces & bloat

19 10:08:38

Our Saint Bernard just passed away & before he did he had a bowel movement & I was wondering if it was possible to have stones on it, like bladder stones? As I was cleaning him I found like what would have been little stones. So is it possible or was it something else?
Also his stomach swole up horrible as if he had bloat is it possible to get bloat at an older age. What are the causes & symptoms & what can I do to prevent it in my other dogs?

Hi, Barbara,

I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.  

I'm not sure what the stones would be; I have no veterinary background, so you may want to consult your vet about that aspect.

As far as bloat, dogs can get it any age.  It's a very painful way to die, so preventing it is of utmost importance.

Here is some information that should be helpful: