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Daisy, my dog

19 10:50:10

My little girl Daisy. She seems to be a good pup for the most part, but teaching her to hold her water and waste is getting me nuts. She does know she has to go out.  Another thing is, if she's lucky enough to get out of the yard fence, upon someone entering, she tends to keep walking away and picks up speed if I go after her. Is she not happy here?  She is 3+ mos. old. Yet one more thing if I may please.  I give her dry food for dogs and puppies but only eats the cat food.  ??????
Thank You for your time.  :)

Almost any dog will run if outside the fence. You need to teach her to come to her name. Never correct her or fuss at her after callingher to you. Call her, give her a treat and lots of praise.
PUther on a schedule for feeding, water and taking her out. A strict schedule and stick to it. All dogs will eat cat food over dog food given the chance. You need to feed them separately. Put the cat food up high so kitty can get it and puppy cannot.
Remember she is only a toddler and is still learning. Patience. consistency,praise...
This is a great website for help with housetraining
Do not scold your puppy, rub her nose in it , etc concentrate on her successes and ignore her failures
Good luck