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behavior problem

19 10:42:00

QUESTION: I have a 7 month old miniature schnauzer, which is having a similar issue with aggressive behavior.  Do you think his behavior will change with neutering as I was considering breeding him late which is why I haven't done this yet.  Do you think with more training he would change his behavior?  or is this the best way to correct?

ANSWER: You don't describe your dog's aggressive behavior (how, why, what to), but neutering probably will NOT help this, and breeding him will just produce more offspring like him.... and breeding just *might* make his aggressiveness worse since he will become more aware of intact bitches and whether or not they are in season... and intact males encroaching in his space.

Some of this behavior might be due to dominance and his thinking he is "God's Gift to the World". Get him into on-going obedience classes and always practice "Nothing in Life is Free" with him.  He needs to learn that you are The Boss, and he is NOT. As I said, using him at stud will most likely increase this behavior, and I would also expect him to start marking in the house after being used at stud.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We have taken him to dog park since he was 2 months old and just recently has been acting up at the park.  He will growl at bigger dog, seems to try to start fight not a play growl more aggressive he does try to mount sometimes, just not "correct" behavior for park. I do have him do basic commands at home he knows sit, down and stay but I will look into a advance class.  My main question I think he would better if he was fixed I just was wondering if you had opinion. I dont' think it is best for him to be a stud he is a family pet (member).

Yes, he should be neutered, and as soon as possible. He is becoming an adolescent, feeling his oats, and seeing how much he can push the other dogs around. He will probably pull a few moves on the family, too, in attempts to get his own way. Get him into obedience classes as he needs a *VERY* firm hand at this time.

I don't like dog parks as I think they can be too dangerous, particularly for a young male who is too big for his britches and thinks he can take on larger dogs. If you continue to go with him, be very careful, as one of these days he just might try to tackle the wrong dog.