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I got a dog from my aunt and...

19 14:30:41

I got a dog from my aunt and uncle. They found her. I've had her a little over a year.How can you tell how old your dog is without taking them to a vet? Oh and my other dog has ear mites, what is the best thing for that?
                             Thanks alot!

Sometimes you can tell the age of a dog by her teeth, but, if your aunt and uncle have had her a year, and she has yet to go to the vet, it is well past time. Ear mites need to be treated by a vet as well, that is, if they are indeed mites. Many things, some of them very serious, can cause ears to itch. Sounds like a phone call and an appointment are in order.Good luck with the doggies, and please give your vet a call!