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9 week old pupppy

19 9:53:02

We just got a 9 week old puppy she is half collie and half German shepherd, she i very active and loves to play but, she has been vomiting only after she drinks. Also she has a runny nose is there anything that i can giver like allergy medicine and if so how much?

Hi Billie,

Do *not* give the puppy medicine. She needs to go to the vet. There are different reasons she could be sick after she drinks, and the vet needs to take a good look at her. It would be good to not let her around other dogs until after she has seen the vet, had her immunizations, and gotten a clean bill of health.

Please take her in today, as soon as possible. If she needs medication, the vet will tell you what to give. You should not give her any "people medicine".

Hope this helps!