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Housebreaking an already paper trained dog

19 11:30:26

I have a new male maltipoo (maltese/poodle mix) that was trained by the breeder to do his business on paper.  I'm strongly against him going in my house and I have been very consistent in taking the puppy out regularly.  However, he will not even sniff around outside.  He only wants to follow my feet and try to sit on me or my feet at all times.  He also seems to whine a lot.  I think he was really spoiled before I got him and I'm not sure of how to break him of this.  I'm following advice that I've read that you wrote previously but he still doesn't seem interested in doing anything outside.  Does any of this behavior have to do with him being such a small breed? I've had bigger dogs before and I've never had this problem.  I thought puppies peed and pooped constantly but this one isn't like that.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The older a puppy is when you get it, the harder it is undoing any poor training and care by the breeder.  Perhaps you have seen where I have said ''They can only walk and hold it so long.''  Eventually he will have to go.  Lavish praise on him.  I have been slow in answering, but tomorrow is Sunday.  You should have some extra time to work on this.  After repeated times of finally having to eliminate outside, and you praising him for it, he will catch on.