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Retraining Dog

19 13:34:58

He's peeing in different areas of the house.  It isn't where the newspaper was
at all...its just random areas around the house.  Now on the new carpet he's
peeing in different places of the house which we find very odd.  Today we
bought him wee medicine where it smells like other dogs pee but he just
went by it and didnt respond to it.  What should we do?
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Hi Nancy,

I bought my maltese puppy when he was 3 months and we trained him to pee
on paper in the house but noticed that it would soak through the newspaper
but since the carpet was old and we were planning on getting old carpet we
let him use the newspaper in the house.  Just a couple weeks ago we got
carpet installed and we are trying to retrain him to go into one particular area
in the house that has newspaper.  He is now a year and 6 months and each
time he pees i make him smell the spot and say no and sometimes smank
him a little on his butt and we then bring him to a clean piece of newspaper
and tell him pee here and we spread his legs to let him know this is where he
should pee.  This isn't working for us and need more assistance on what we
should do.  He is a great dog but when it comes to peeing he always gets the
carpet and not the newspaper...please help my husband and i ....Thanks!
where is he peeing?  has the newpaper been moved? and he is going where it
used to be

first of all go get some diapers and put them on him.  It sounds like he is marking the new rug/confused as to where to go.  When he is in the house right now, keep him on  a leash so he can be corrected the second he squats or lifts his leg.  Put the leash on your belt so it is not in the way.  Do this for about a month and see if it helps.  When he is not on  that leash, he should be confined to a pen or crate for the time being.  He should have frequent walks as well so he can get used to going out side.  If he doesn't go out then he needs frequent stops on the paper where you want him to go.