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is my 7 month old male terrier sick or sad?

19 11:25:05

i have a 7 month old male terrier, have him since he was 5 weeks old. 10 days ago i got a 2 year old female lab. they get on great but my terrier got sick (ie. vomiting and dihorea) the day after the lab arrived which lasted two days. he hasn't eaten properly since, just picks at his food. his tail and ears are drooped and he used to be full of energy but now all he does is try to mate with the lab, not much interest in anything else. what should i do? they both are being neuteredd in a few weeks. will that help him? I'm really worried.

I don't think the vomiting and diarrhea are pertinent to the problem.... just a coincidence.

However, I strongly suspect that the new bitch might be in season, as your male's behavior is very typical for a male with a bitch in heat in his vicinity. Take a look at the girl. Is her vulva swollen? Is she licking herself a lot? Insert a tissue and see if there is any discharge.

If the bitch hasn't been examined by your veterinarian yet, now would be an excellent time to do that. He can determine if your gal is in season, if you aren't sure. If she is, you must keep the two dogs totally separated for three weeks to make sure that the bitch doesn't get pregnant.

Yes, neutering the two dogs, particularly the bitch, will help a lot.