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puppy panting

19 11:31:42

Dear Shelley, we have a new puppy, aprox 4 months old. She's been to the vets for her first checkup and shots. Doc says shes in good shape, no parasites at this time. Our concern is that she pants constantly while shes sleeping. We understand that during play and normal activities a dog will pant but the whole time shes sleeping? Your thoughts? Thank you Mark

Hi Mark,

I always tell people to trust their gut feelings when it comes to their dogs.  My instinct from what you are describing is to get a second opinion and have a chest x-ray done of the heart and lungs as well as a full blood workup.  If you feel that something isn't right, keep searching until you find out what it is!!!!  

Before you go for another opinion, be sure that the temperature in the room where your pup's crate is, isn't too warm.  Open a window or turn on the a/c and see if it makes a difference.  However, you don't want a direct draft on your dog.

I wish you the best of luck.

Shelley Davis