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Puppy Wont Wear a Collar

19 9:41:45

Hi Nancy,

I have a 9 month old small female Boston terrier who absolutely won't wear a collar. I got her when she was 12 weeks old from a breeder (she wasn't wearing a collar at the time) but didn't show any signs of anything wrong, and the day after I brought her home I put the collar on her. She itched it so much she ruined it. I then bought another one that she got out of and buried in the back yard (it was a little heavier then the first one). Thinking it was maybe too stiff I bought a soft black nylon one. I have never ever put the collars on too tight, generally 2 fingers fit between her neck and the band of her collar. I don't want to say she gets anxiety as all the things I have read on the Internet do not describe her attitude. She freezes up literally! If she is on the floor, she wont move and if she does, its like a crab crawl across the floor. She wont play, eat, drink, go outside...she wont do anything. We had the collar on almost a week when I finally decided to take it off, and when it was, she was back to her old self. I have tried training her to wear it with treats and positive reinforcement, doing time training (making her wear it one our a day, then two and so on) talked to my vet (they had no advice) I really have no idea left of what to do. She cant leave the back yard, I cant take her on walks, or to the pet store. Your my last stop before I bring in a pet behaviorist. Thanks soo much for your assistance, any ideas would be appreciated.

She has learned that when she acts this way you will eventually take the collar off, plus she gets a lot of attention from you when she acts this way...You will have to have a lot of fortitude now to work this out.    First go to the store and buy the 2 heaviest collars you can find,...  at the same time buy the lightest collar you can find...Put the two heavy collars and the light collar on her and make her wear them for at least 4 days...She will be miserable, but don't give in.... finally take off the heavy collars and leave the light one on her...If she still acts funny, put the heavy collars on her again and repeat the process.
Also, have you tried a harness?
Let me know how you make out, remember do not give in.