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19 11:51:43

could you tell me why my 1 year old eats all other dog feces not like if she is under fed but I can't seem to get her to stop any help would be much appreciated

Hi Kim,
This is one of those questions that everyone would love an answer too!

Corprophagy (eating feces) is practiced by many animals and some believe it's a primal act intended to keep a clean den, while others believe that it comes from a lack of nutrients in the diet (specifically fatty acids). There are even some that that feel (and it certainly holds merit), that dogs do this out of habit. All of these reasons can ring true in some cases and before we can prevent it, we have to know WHY the dog is doing it (which is very difficult). There are some products on the market that claim it prevents feces eating, but I don't think any of them are truly reliable in these claims.

Once a dog starts this (to us) awful practice, it's very hard to get them to stop it, so I would recommend picking up feces or avoiding "piles" you happen to run across. It might also be a good idea to evaluate the diet and see if there are any deficiencies (specifically the omega's).

I wish I could give you a more definitive answer, but for what it's worth, this is basically what the vet would tell you.

If you would like to discuss this further, please send me a private question and I'd be glad to go more in depth.