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19 11:44:54

I have a 4 month old boy lhasa apso and when given a pigs ear or meaty food he gets agressive and goes for people.  I am quite worried as I have 3 children.  Otherwise he is good I can take biscuits and chew sticks off him with no problem.

don't give pigs ears. Thiose things are as dangerous as bones. Your dog can bite off a small piece and choke on it. also they are very high in callories and colesterol.
I have a Lhasa male, and they can be little brats.
He is only 4 months so you are at an early enough age to correct this fairly easily.
When you give him meat, sit beside him, and feed him out of your hand, a bite at a time. If he growls at someone else that is near, take it away from him, chew his little butt out and DON'T let him have it.
Think of it this way.
If one of your children had one toy, that every time they had it and another child came near, they bopped the child on the head with it, and started fighting, what would you do?
You would tell them,"If you have to be nasty with this toy, you just can't play with it anymore.
When this little dictator finds out that nasty behavior woun't be tollerated, and He is the loser, and won't get the meat himself, he will stop acting like that.
Just like 2 legged children, they do what they can get away with.
When I first get a dog of any age, I teach them their food supply is safe from threat, and they may NOT get nasty or protective of it.
I sit on the floor while they eat, feed then some out of my hand, and sometimes pick up a poiece of the food out of their dish and feed it to them.
Sometimes I will have another adult or older child that can take a little bite, pick up the food dish and take it away, then I have someone else bring it back in a few minutes.
The point is, teach them, if it is taken away, someone will bring it back, or bring them some more, so they don't have to protect their food.
That is where most family pets maul or attack children.
They are not taught to not bother if someone gets into their food. They are allowed to stay protective of it, and a child ( most will) comes near, and sometimes wants to feed the dog, so they put their hand in the food dish. The dog snaps and bites, and the child, because of the height they are, usually gets bitten in the face. That is what is there when the dog spins and bites.
Bescause you are the one who can take these other foods and treats from him, now is the time toteach him children and other people can take them away too.
He needs to learn that is the way to do, and if he gets nasty with the meat etc, he will lose that. So when HE is the loser, he will stop the ugly behavior.
When you take the meat away as a punsihment and chew him out, under NO circumstances ever give it back to him. When he loses food because of his behavior, it has to be gone for good.