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concerned about our new male mini dachshund

19 11:30:39

I apologize if this a little long but I am very concerned that I may have purchased my new puppy from a puppy mill. I could not find a male in my area and found an ad in the buy and sell so I decided to contact this person, she only had 2 pictures and apparently could not send more (should have been my first warning), I had my sister go over and take a look for me as she lives in that area, she fell in love with little Jordy and brought him home to us. She said that the owners had over 20 minis sectioned off in various areas of the house and yard. Now my little Jordy is 6 months old and a new litter had just been born to choose from as well. Now to the point, he had his 3rd vaccination a week and a half ago and he came home exactly 1 week ago, I noticed a cyst just above his hip on his back, it is somewhat hard and moves around and does not bother him. Is this caused by the vaccination? And how long will it be there for? I plan on taking him to the vet on monday if it doesn't get any better. He also has very dry skin and some scabs?, perhaps from roughhousing at his previous home? The skin is getting better with regular baths and the scabs seem to be healing nicely. I am not sure how my sister missed this when she went to view him, but it is all moot as we love him and would never send him back to a mill. I am very concerned over the health of the other dogs and new puppies at this home, and as I did not see it with my own eyes, am unsure if I should report them. May I ask what your opinion is on this?

Thank you for any insite you may send my way,
regards, Alex

Well cysts and skin problems are fairly common in dogs,even well bred ones-but it is good you are having your vet look at him

Now what I would do when you see your vet is tell him you believe the puppy came for a mill and ask the vet for his/her opinion on the situation

It is still a good idea to report any suspected puppy mills anyways-but having your vet back you up may help if you have to go to court