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puppy eating mulch

19 9:52:39

I have a two year old chocolate lab which is a very well behaved dog and is actually helping me in training my 4 month old Wiemeriner. My question is when i let them play in my yard the puppy goes straight for some black mulch which we have in our garden. If this is that dangerous to the dog I will get rid of the mulch but I was wondering how to stop him from eating the mulch. I've heard that they might need certain vitamins if they are eating dirt and wood which he does. He's always picking up sticks and even chews the grass and dirt like a sheep.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am really not sure it is harmful.  I know cocoa hulls are supposed to bad, but not sure about anything else.  I guess i would let him eat it and hop for the bets.

Don't worry about the vitamins.  If anything, most puppy chows are richer than is good for large breed puppy chows.  You might do better to switch to the adult chow the other one is on.  Switching to an adult chow for the
larger breeds at 4 months, slows growth and helps develop sturdier joints.

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You
should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different.
Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its
food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good
illustrated guide,