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puppy was fed to much food!

19 9:37:32

our puppy stayed with family and they fed him double what he was to be fed. he started to have runny diarrhea the past couple days and through up once. and now he kinda has a little bit of blood in his stool. should we be concerned about this?

Hi Ashley,

Thank you for writing to me about your puppy.   I don't think that eating too much food would give your puppy bloody diarrhea and I don't like the sound of the blood in his stool.  He may actually have eaten something that has caused a problem, beside his food or he could have worms or parasites, including Giardia.  The best thing is to fast him for 24 hrs but make sure he's drinking water during that time.  If you can get some coconut WATER in the health food store you can give that to him for any lost electrolytes or some plain pedialyte for children.

When you feed him again, give him some white rice with boiled chicken (no skin) or boiled lean chop meat.  You don't want him to get any fat as that is very hard to digest.

If you see that the blood in the stool is increasing, rush the little guy to the vet.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis

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