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Dog training.

19 14:16:47

Hi I have two dachshunds that are two year old sibling.  We love them very much and they are great dogs except for the fact that they are still not house broken.  Do you have any advice on how to train these dogs.  We never had problems with dogs in the past but this time it is harder because we got both of them at the same time and never know which one did the mess.  If you have any advice I would appreciate it.  Thank you.

Hi Elizabeth,

Dachshunds are notorious for having  housebreaking difficulties. You must be firm and consistent, since this breed can be stubborn and has an independent nature that makes them difficult to housebreak. It's not that they don't know any better, or that they are nasty, and want to be disobedient; it's just that they don't always see the necessity of relieving themselves outside (especially in bad weather), and they are willing to accept the consequences.

You didn't say if you are leaving the dogs alone all day for 8 or more hours. If you're not able to make it home during the day, perhaps you could arrange to have a neighbor stop in to give the dogs a mid day walk.

Establish a regular feeding time. What goes in at a regular time will come out at a regular time.

If you are just letting the dogs outside by themselves to eliminate, they might not associate what going outside is for.  You need to walk the dogs on a leash until they are reliably trained.

You should train these dogs exactly like you would a puppy, with the big difference that they will catch on much more quickly, being adult and having a full set of bladder muscles.  If your dogs can't be trusted not to go in the house, then you  must confine the dogs to a crate or otherwise watch them.  Be sure to take them outside regularly to eliminate, just like a small puppy.  When the dogs aren't in your sight, they should be in their crate.

You might try using a phrase such as "Do it" or "Go potty" Patience is your best ally -- keep your dog's schedule consistent until you're sure it understands where you expect it to go. Praise the dogs lavishly when they go to the bathroom outside.

When your dogs begin to eliminate on these frequent walks, you can cut back on the number of walks you are giving them during the day.  

Clean the areas in your home with an enzymatic cleaner and use it correctly. Dogs are drawn back to the same elimination area by smell (and they will return to the same area again and again, if allowed). These cleaners have enzymes in them that "eat" stains AND odors. Nature's Miracle and Simple Solution are two of the most popular and can be purchased at Petsmart, Petco, or the local pet supply store.

I should mention that many dachshund owners never get their dogs fully house trained. You may want to seek the help of a dog behaviorist, your vet might be able to suggest one in your area.

I hope I've been a help, best of luck.
